
If someone asked me to describe what journalism is for me, I would be at a loss for words. Not because I would have nothing creative to add, but because I couldn’t possibly put into words the emotions that this profession evokes. It is as though the paper is my canvas and my brain the paintbrushes that delicately stroke the surface of the analysis before me. When I first entered the field of journalism, still a high school student, the only fear I had was that of exposure. What if I write articles and my name starts appearing in many websites? What if I have an opinion now, but I later find out that this isn’t the case? Notwithstanding these reservations, my desire to have my voice heard and my thoughts unfolded overcame these initial misgivings. I soon realised that journalism is much more than just writing a certain quota of words on a piece of paper, selecting an image that fits, and then watching the final product being published.

Journalism is a vast, turbulent sea, with waves coming crashing at us, just as international developments are engulfing our present. The world is changing at an unprecedented pace, and we are called upon to either monitor these changes passively, as we would watch the giant sea waves from afar, or actively engage in the process of redefining the global equilibrium by diving into the accelerated whirlpool of changes surrounding us. Analysis is not a mere tool to interpret all that surrounds us; it is a vital strategy for our survival and for the formation of societies that would be able to counter the phenomena that threaten our survival’s very existence.

Information and misinformation have acquired a new value in the age of the ongoing globalisation. Virtually anyone with access to some composition tool, the internet and some platform can share views, beliefs and pieces of writing. But what separates these types of people from those who are indeed passionate about the world of journalism is the essence of the texts. In my short career as a freelance journalist, I have always adopted a critical and objective stance, without opting for sterile analysis. Facts and statistics are useful, but without the personal touch of analysis the text becomes bland, a simple array of statements. Without instilling some personal essence, some individualistic characteristics into the lines of political interpretation, articles lose their meaning and purpose.

Without further ado, welcome to my website and enjoy the articles on a wide variety of topics: from regional politics to social reviews and from economic matters to ethics.

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Last modified: October 1, 2021

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